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The event begins on October 24th at midnight and will open with a dance evening. The hunt will start immediately,  you can choose whether to listen good music, or start with the immediate search for gifts. ( The gifts are totally free and reserved for those who participate in the event). To brighten your stay in our sim, a shower of random gacha for you.

Home: Chi siamo



October 24 at 00:00 to October 31 00:00

Home: Chi siamo


The game begins ... You will have to search, using the 12 clues below, our hidden gifts for the whole sim. You will have to slowly start looking in the hunters' cove, and later go up to the stores and continue the treasure hunt. There are no particular rules ... the only rule is not to report where our gifts are hidden ... We wish you a lot of fun...

1 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

The hunt begins, here is the first hint.... you have to go to the beach, you can find it in the shadow

2 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

2) Trick or treat? the next gift is in the cursed treasure


You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

There is no time to wait in the cave you will have to go .... the witch has hidden there run as fast as I can

4 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

The witch ran away and flew with the broom .. before she left ,have  eat something in the tavern

5 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

On a tree they spotted her, inside a house she's hiding... under the hammock you will have to look ... right there you can find her gift


You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

 She refresh in the waterfall... maybe you can find something in that

7 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

From the prisons she been spotted running away... go check out there


You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

 Congratulation its time to buy , in the stores you  have search if other gift you want found. Maybe under  armchair you have to look .

9 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

I saw a ghost, he fly on the cemetery  and below a grave it put a mistery

10 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

Woow !!! what a design, refresh your look .... something near the neon you will find

11) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

This gift will be nice too ... on your body you can have it .. it's an elaborate design, the tattoo artist created it ... sit down and see what you get

12 ) HINT

You will find our hint inside the gifts in a notecard

You have arrived at the last gift .... near the reception there is something enchanted ... do not get distracted by skirts and corsets, the gift is right there where you wait

Home: Elenco


Tinetta Kegel - Aargentea - Aldjewnwi savira

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